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What do you get from Perspekti?

Ikoni menaxho llogarine
Manage your accounts online.
Registering on Perspekti give you the opportunity to manage all your details online, for example, updating your account details, adding and updating adverts on different sector and adding and managing all subscriptions.
Ikoni shto dokumente
Add adverts, documents and images online.
Adverts, documents, and images can be added from your account for every sector that you would like, and changes will be viewable automatically.
Ikoni shoqeria
Create friends circles that you like.
At any given time you can invite a user to be your friends.
Ikoni komunikimi
Comunicate with other users.
Communication is done on real time between users that are on the friendship cycle and also between other users that are not related.
Ikoni email
Subscribe for adverts and articles on different sectors.
Subscribtions can be done directly from the article that you are reading and also from your account. After subscription similar articles and adverts will be sent to your email.
Ikoni kerko
Search for jobseekers
All clients that have added at least a job advert can search for jobseekers and their CV.