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Consultation on every area of informatics, diploma projects and computer programs.

From: Ndricim Topalli
Publication: 24/06/2018 22:24

The IT branch is a necessity in all aspects of life. Informatics is not just computers but involves the management and processing of information especially in large organizations and companies.

When referring to information technology, it actually includes all kinds of systems in organizations from hardware to computer programs like operating system, applications, databases, storage, servers and more. Communication technologies such as the Internet and telephone businesses are also part of the IT infrastructure.

Our staff has extensive insights into all the fields of information technology mentioned above and can help you with any kind of consultancy or projects.

If you have something concrete and want to talk then do not hesitate to contact us.

Consultation in informatics, programming and database management systems
Consultation in informatics, programming and database management systems

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